tl/dr: Check you config-keys! 😉
I found two errors in my sitecore logs. There were keywords inside like “Alias PII removed” and “key – cannot be null”.
MessageTaskRunner worker thread 6 10:45:51 ERROR Failed to create DispatchFailedTask for 'Alias PII removed'.
Exception: System.ArgumentNullException
Message: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
Source: System.Core
at System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged.CreateEncryptor(Byte[] key, Byte[] iv)
at Sitecore.Modules.EmailCampaign.Core.Crypto.AuthenticatedAesStringCipher.EncryptBytes(Byte[] messageBytes)
at Sitecore.Modules.EmailCampaign.Core.Crypto.AuthenticatedAesStringCipher.Encrypt(String message)
at Sitecore.Modules.EmailCampaign.Core.Pipelines.HandleMessageEventBase.EventDataService.EmailEventToDto(EmailEvent emailEvent)
at Sitecore.Modules.EmailCampaign.Core.Pipelines.HandleMessageEventBase.EventDataService.EventDataToDto(EventData eventData)
at Sitecore.EmailCampaign.Cm.Dispatch.DispatchTask.CreateDispatchFailedTask(ContactIdentifier contactIdentifier, String failureReason, Boolean updateUndeliveredCount)
And another similar one:
MessageTaskRunner worker thread 11 15:24:10 ERROR Message sending error: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
at System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged.CreateEncryptor(Byte[] key, Byte[] iv)
at Sitecore.Modules.EmailCampaign.Core.Crypto.AuthenticatedAesStringCipher.EncryptBytes(Byte[] messageBytes)
I figured that the only related thing to “encryption” were two keys in my sitecore config called:
- EXM.CryptographicKey
- EXM.AuthenticationKey
(Also have a look here:
But they were filled (and on all systems equally – so I skipped this thought)
After some reading I realized that it said “hexadecimal 64-character string” should be in there … so actually a key that is then used to encrypt data like lists and emails, but someone put in there a generated “secure password” with lots of various characters … so the simple solution was: “the keys were in the wrong format”.